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Schemas are the building blocks of attestations.
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Unique creators
# | UID | Schema | Resolver | Attestations |
#306 | 0x48e3e1be1e08084b408... Hypercerts Creator Feed Attestation | uint256 chain_id address contract_address uint256 token_id string title string description string[] sources | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#305 | 0x48329dbf9c0d428d98c... | bytes32 schemaId bytes32 typedDataHash bytes signature bytes exponent bytes modulus bytes ocspResponse | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#304 | 0xfd117687effb1e1dd4b... Plumaa ID | RSA Meta-Attestation | bytes32 schemaId bytes32 attestTypedDataHash bytes signature bytes exponent bytes modulus | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#303 | 0xb7e3ec5b23e2b06dce8... | string idCode bytes32 idDocumentHash bool passed string statement | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 2 |
#302 | 0x987b0195d135b4a5939... | address EVMAddress uint8 score bytes32 creditReportHash string statement | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1 |
#301 | 0x9a63342f71a596d0a66... | string statement string[] fields bytes32 payloadHash | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#300 | 0x78e21c15402db9aa366... | string statement string[] fields bytes32 consentPayloadHash | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#299 | 0x6b5234e717548e84089... | string message bytes32 consentPayloadHash | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#298 | 0xcd855020711a90f1cd9... | bytes8 rating uint256 pd string notes | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#297 | 0x047ed74a39f6e98ed82... | uint256 actionUID bytes32 workUID bool approved string feedback | 0x63279204b744C4fDb7dbE8331F6b13D7F8344a1d | 0 |
#296 | 0x0eb5361c4f892a251e3... | uint256 actionUID string title string feedback string metadata string[] media | 0x1cdDfe922FC92F692bA7db69A2D451d874449c9c | 11 |
#295 | 0x2be76154b7d05af8e18... | string userId address userAddress | 0x31FAf13E9841f5C111EAd0dAc016Fff80238571C | 1 |
#294 | 0x95a7ec6e136a20eaf9b... | string tokenName string tokenURI uint256 tokenSupply address assetTokenizedOwner | 0xB062EAd00a518eA6b754D6DFc6cA2caFe764eC6E | 0 |
#293 | 0x2696703a929a7019c5a... | uint16 userId address userAddress | 0x31FAf13E9841f5C111EAd0dAc016Fff80238571C | 0 |
#292 | 0x80be3615216f248943b... | string title string content | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#291 | 0xe8f2eaf926c576fed37... | string title string content | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#290 | 0x6b5b50f2de8b3876648... | bytes32 key string provider string secret string metadata | 0x4B015ed3A1C7244544e00aC947077593D6789F74 | 16 |
#289 | 0xf369d6325a20d56a858... | address Mwin33 | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#288 | 0x0bb47b41b94edf42a30... | string domain string metadataURI bytes32 data | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1023 |
#287 | 0xda5eb8e4a406e914742... | string domain string metataURI bytes32 data | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#286 | 0xc777cd15c9e30b3d605... | string domain string metadataURI bytes32 secretData | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1 |
#285 | 0x78de15c23e652c6ff89... | string course_name string website string type | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 183 |
#284 | 0x489ee9da397c5de3fea... | string domain string metadataURI string data | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 494 |
#283 | 0xf16f81ef6f8b8e8aaa4... | bytes32 projectId uint8 starRating string reviewText | 0x879CB3144def6047d1c3eA9784E82932d55Ebe67 | 3 |
#282 | 0x8d1a8180fa9e0183c7a... | bytes32[] kva | 0x509D7b8DaE545ea87E7029d7b486398E96b7C475 | 0 |
#281 | 0xeeb4d23b1a40fb44891... | bytes32 kva | 0x509D7b8DaE545ea87E7029d7b486398E96b7C475 | 0 |
#280 | 0x7f9688a13910b1104cd... | address[] kva | 0x509D7b8DaE545ea87E7029d7b486398E96b7C475 | 0 |
#279 | 0x87f6f2f2e2b0b39b590... | bytes32 kva | 0x59f863F0B0deC56BE1bF38D6DBca5C4f5aefeC76 | 0 |
#278 | 0x3dde57604415eece245... | string connectorType string metadataId string data | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1 |
#277 | 0x4064b3a1c0e7e8d8a8f... | string[] connectorTypes string[] values | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1 |
#276 | 0xccdcab3dd1cc3141a65... | bytes32 data | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#275 | 0x1edd779a711895a6f8b... | bytes data | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1 |
#274 | 0x34b673ef6be12fa4c31... | string connectorType string metadataId | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1 |
#273 | 0x138ef4c1be0a31e3b0b... | uint256 chainId string name string symbol string description string imageUrl string website string whitePaperUrl string[] socialMediaUrls address migratedToAddress string version string email | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#272 | 0x5b3884b77ebe533e556... | bytes32 grantUID bytes32[] badges uint8[] score string grantProgramUID | 0x202CD7Ef0a73cf1C541a40f274B2257580214476 | 9 |
#271 | 0x2560f60ba415ac010f4... | bytes32 entity uint256 score uint256 nav bytes8 navCurrency bytes8 rae uint256 borrowCapacity uint256 impliedPD uint256 impliedPDTenor string proofCommitment | 0x1a95c95958A077b40Fb113DeeBA9964E74D1d9aE | 0 |
#270 | 0x215ea84cc93b044073f... | bytes32 grantUID bytes32[] badges uint8[] score uint32 grantProgramUID | 0xb054902Edf1cb8F8fBC4e442A222B936d981C6D3 | 5 |
#269 | 0x7cf7c9d2dcff65ed9d3... | bytes32 grantUID bytes32[] badges uint8[] score uint32 grantProgramUID | 0xbAc1B69837EB8d68294cBDF81acbfE57250264CF | 0 |
#268 | 0x067c1c9d19af50d2f55... | bytes32 grantUID bytes32[] badges uint8[] score uint32 grantProgramUID | 0xBffd1724e33453A79F8389Dbf190dcCB5e5FC8b8 | 0 |
#267 | 0xa49fbb7442ebcc0fdb9... | bytes32 grantUID bytes32[] badges uint8[] score uint32 grantProgramUID | 0x6AaA5A0B16DE45809Cfa747A082C78Cc2068FC6b | 0 |
#266 | 0x5939eb0646e645e2c2f... | uint64 projectsContributed uint64 roundsContributed uint64 chainIdsContributed uint128 totalUSDAmount uint64 timestamp string metadataCid | 0x2ce7E4cB5Edb140A9327e67De85463186E757C8f | 18522 |
#265 | 0xb2c86dba2ae68501629... | string json | 0x1A1275eF49e7D993c56522c538e9A8E16d56B22D | 18 |
#264 | 0x4c4987c2e465dab399e... | bool isEnsNameOwner | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1 |
#263 | 0x2f4f575d5df78ac52e8... | uint256 chain_id address contract_address uint256 token_id uint8 evaluate_basic uint8 evaluate_work uint8 evaluate_contributors uint8 evaluate_properties string comments string[] tags | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 0 |
#262 | 0x9c3afcf92221b9a0f05... | string DAO_name string event_name string description string usd_amount string ticket_url address attester_address | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 4 |
#261 | 0x02dc5a92e5634ce3d8d... | bytes32 grantUID bytes32[] badges uint8[] score | 0x9533A8B883128412ed228e73292D5DE55fd7cAe9 | 19 |
#260 | 0x6830b7ef2dda9817501... Upe Event Attendee | string Attendee string Sponsor string[] Funders string Funding string EventName string EventDate string About string[] Organizer string Image | 0x8B8dac16A1A0F0a3D0AEDeF78421A1b4e2f761f4 | 11 |
#259 | 0xf5597a3be4bf0d7383e... Upe Event | string EventName string Date string DoorTime string Venue string Town string Canton string Province string Country string About bool isAccessibleForFree string[] inLanguage string[] Sponsors string[] Funders string FundingGrant string[] Attendee string Image string[] Organizer | 0x8B8dac16A1A0F0a3D0AEDeF78421A1b4e2f761f4 | 1 |
#258 | 0x78487783f0cfc0a8280... | bool holdsEth | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | 1 |
#257 | 0xa287afbe9c2243542a5... | uint256 actionUID bytes32 workUID bool approved string feedback | 0xAD93d365C83784F245780d914460D60cBa11d1FA | 0 |
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